Forensic Science Week / Podcast Updates

It is National Forensic Science week! This may not be an important point of recognition for some but when you lived in a thankless job for so long, ANY type of recognition felt wonderful. I remember some case family members that sent cards or flowers after I helped them. It didn’t happen often, but when it did, it felt like I was actually doing something right. I don’t have a problem with self confidence but when you only got feedback when something was wrong, eventually that stacks up.

Imagine being an administrative professional and Administrative Professional’s Day rolls around and your boss doesn’t give a shit. That’s what National Forensic Science Week was for us. I would bring it up as a “heads up” we should do something… much like a ‘heads up my 10-year work anniversary is about to happen’ and it was always met with an eye roll and a sigh. I didn’t have a company credit card or the ability to make lunch purchases and it was always drilled into my head that we had SO many budget cuts (insert my own eye roll here) so it was never celebrated. We were always so short-staffed and overwhelmed with cases that even a catered lunch break would be on-the-fly because someone was leaving to burn overtime, the morgue staff were still cutting cases, or there was a new death call and someone had to leave for a scene. This was life. I’m sure it is still life for some (although I really hope there have been some positive changes and more recognition).

Either way, HAPPY FORENSIC SCIENCE WEEK to all of my nerds out there that love this field. While I’m not actively working in it, I truly loved the work I did. When I left, it was a choice to change my life and how I showed up for my family. It was a choice to recognize that while the death cases are ENDLESS, there is only one ME and I needed to adjust my life so I didn’t disappear. The mental check-out, that disappearing act, is something I am still working on today.


My brain is full of stories. Death cases. Forensics. Among other things. And since my last podcast episode ((on PTSD of course)) I have been outlining the next season and realized just HOW MANY things I have to cover. Think of how many death calls can happen in one day… and then multiply it by 14 years. Yeah, that’s a lot.

And not just the death calls. The people. The places I’ve been. The trainings I’ve taught. The hilarious ways we coped with our stress. The friends I gained along the way. I was just talking to some of my former co-workers who I consider great friends and realized the bond we have because of what we’ve seen together. I will be interviewing some of them and I seriously cannot wait to share.

New episodes are coming out in just a few weeks in October! Before then, you should definitely get caught up and listen to ALL of the current episodes, share them and give me a review… I would LOVE the feedback and support.


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