Homes & Gardens Online Magazine

Have you ever heard of HOMES & GARDENS?! Yeah, me too. And now I am a featured contributor and am so excited to share!

The latest article, “7 things to declutter before summer starts – for a stress-free, organized space” is absolutely perfect for giving you a boost of motivation ahead of the summertime fun to keep your space nice and tidy so you can relax and enjoy the sun.

Some of my favorite tips head of summer:

  1. Pull out all sunscreen and bug spray, check expiration dates, toss the old and get some new protectant and create an easy access central location so the family can grab it when they need it
  2. Take a good look at swimsuits. You KNOW there are some that you aren’t wearing and don’t feel great in. Bodies change, styles change, and you don’t have to hold onto the old. I usually find a new swimsuit each year and toss out the ones that I’m not grabbing this season that way I avoid trying it on, not being happy with the look, and starting the cycle of negative self talk because I don’t have the “perfect” body. Life is too short to waste precious energy hating on ourselves. Be proud of your body. No matter the shape or size; it’s brought you here and needs to be treated well. Just like your mind does.
  3. If you have school age kiddos, put away the backpacks, toss the old folders and papers. Take a look at the clothes they’ve outgrown ahead of the summer camps (and before all the back-to-school chaos of the fall), in order to lighten up their wardrobe space. My oldest is in summer camp and swims 5 days a week right now. I had to look at his swim trunks and pull out the too small (saving for his younger brother) and invest in a few more since it’s all we are wearing right now.

Click the article image above to read the full article and make some plans to declutter for summer!!

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